A doula is a professionally trained support person who understands and trusts the birth process and facilitates the prenatal-postnatal phase for parents and baby. A doula walks alongside a mother and her partner, encouraging them emotionally and physically as well as educationally, providing evidence based resources that help parents come to informed decisions for the birth of their baby. Doulas support the mother and partner during labor, offering breathing techniques, positions to labor in, massage and other comfort measures to support the labor process. Doulas provide a safe space to process information that will lead to a more satisfying birth experience. I believe the knowledge to birth is within every mother. Birth is beautiful, full of love, full of power and mostly instinctive. My goal as your birth doula is to help you define your birth experience. I believe in you!
As your doula I will:
Provide resources that can lead you and your partner to make decisions regarding your pregnancy, labor and delivery, the fourth trimester (postpartum period), nutrition, essential oils, breastfeeding, etc.
Discuss and formulate your birth plan together and help you stay as close to that plan as possible while in labor.
Support and advocate for the decisions you make about your birth.
Suggest positions and comfort measures to help progress your labor.
Provide emotional support and encouragement that honors your journey into motherhood.
As your doula I will not:
Make decisions for you.
Perform clinical tasks or exams, those are done by your primary care provider (OB or midwife).
Speak to staff members regarding a diversion from your birth plan. I will help you and your partner understand questions and feelings so you can confidently make a decision and express it to the staff on your own behalf.
Take over the role of your birth partner, whoever you choose that to be.
““There is power that comes to women when they give birth. They don’t ask for it, it simply invades them. Accumulates like clouds on the horizon and passes through, carrying the child with it.” -Sheryl Feldman ”